Sunday, May 21, 2006

"Be careful what you wish for..."

Victor Davis Hanson explores how a hands-off US would be beneficial to the the US. It would be a reality check for "cheap anti-Americanism":
America is the genitor and largest donor to the United Nations. Its military is the ultimate guarantor of free commerce by land and sea, and its wide-open market proves the catalyst of international trade. More immigrants seek its shores than all other designations combined — especially from countries of Latin America, whose criticism of the United States is the loudest.

John Howard, Australian Prime Minister, on the ramifications of a hands-off US:
The values for which the United States stands are the values for which Canada and Australia stands. They are values of spreading democracy, of individual liberty, of a society where free enterprise is the principle economic driver, but also a society where the less fortunate should be protected by a decent social security safety net. And they are values that I know that members on both sides of this House, as indeed on both sides of the Houses of the Australian Parliament share in common. And I would have for those around the world who would want to see a reduced American role in the affairs of our globe, I have some quiet advice and that is be careful in what you wish for because a retreating America will leave a more vulnerable world. It will leave a world more exposed to terrorism and it will leave a more fragile and indeed dangerous world.

Hat Tip: Dr. Sanity

Manny Is Here: "Be careful what you wish for..."

Sunday, May 21, 2006

"Be careful what you wish for..."

Victor Davis Hanson explores how a hands-off US would be beneficial to the the US. It would be a reality check for "cheap anti-Americanism":
America is the genitor and largest donor to the United Nations. Its military is the ultimate guarantor of free commerce by land and sea, and its wide-open market proves the catalyst of international trade. More immigrants seek its shores than all other designations combined — especially from countries of Latin America, whose criticism of the United States is the loudest.

John Howard, Australian Prime Minister, on the ramifications of a hands-off US:
The values for which the United States stands are the values for which Canada and Australia stands. They are values of spreading democracy, of individual liberty, of a society where free enterprise is the principle economic driver, but also a society where the less fortunate should be protected by a decent social security safety net. And they are values that I know that members on both sides of this House, as indeed on both sides of the Houses of the Australian Parliament share in common. And I would have for those around the world who would want to see a reduced American role in the affairs of our globe, I have some quiet advice and that is be careful in what you wish for because a retreating America will leave a more vulnerable world. It will leave a world more exposed to terrorism and it will leave a more fragile and indeed dangerous world.

Hat Tip: Dr. Sanity


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