Thursday, May 11, 2006

By George!

Uber-dhimmi, Islamified British MP, George Galloway, on Dateline last night (transcript AND video here):

MAN: Welcome to Egypt.

30 years spent working for the Arab cause has made Galloway a well-known and much loved figure here, a modern-day Lawrence of Arabia.

MAN: We consider you that you are Arabic, more than all Not all. the Arabian rulers. All the rulers, yes.

GEORGE GALLOWAY: This is definitely true.

With many here believing that the West is against them, Galloway is seen as an inspiration.

STUDENT: We are students from Al-Azhar and Cairo Universities, what do you say to Muslim Brotherhood students, and other students.

GEORGE GALLOWAY, (Translation): Struggle until victory.

Before a crowd that includes high-profile members of Hamas and other Islamist groups, Galloway delivers a message that would make George Bush and Tony Blair flinch.

GEORGE GALLOWAY: We now know, and the whole world now knows, America is defeated in Iraq - it is defeated in Iraq. The Americans do not control one street in one town or one city in a country they invaded and conquered three years ago. When their soldiers leave their base, they drive as quickly as they can back to the base. They know that this can be their last journey on Earth, and so I say, from the bottom of my heart, we salute the resisting people of Iraq, which has inflicted this defeat upon the superpower, the United States of America, in Fallujah, in Ramadi, in Sumaria, in Najaf, in Kabullah, in Basra. All over Iraq, the Iraqi people have risen and spoken and fought and defeated this superpower which invaded them.

REPORTER: What about an operation, for example, where Iraqi insurgents blow up a US Humvee?

GEORGE GALLOWAY: Well, there's no question that that's an entirely legitimate act of resistance that's enshrined in the Geneva Convention and in international law. The violent occupiers have invaded the country, illegally, on the basis of on a pack of lies and the Iraqi people are resisting them, and the kind of operation you mentioned, whilst a tragedy for the soldiers inside the Humvee, is an entirely legitimate act of resistance.

If Galloway's criminal, subversive and treasonous rhethoric wasn't enough, consider the reporting by SBS of George Galloway: the glorification of the man who was being paid off by Saddam & Sons and continues to lie (see end of post) about it. I had to change channels several times to prevent becoming ill.

The dhimmwhittery of Galloway is so clear in that it is now no longer the "powerful neo-cons" in the White House that want Galloway's head on a stick and set alight, it is also his left wing compatriate Christopher Hitchens:
For George Galloway, however, the war would seem to be over. The evidence presented suggests that he lied in court when he sued the Daily Telegraph in London over similar allegations (and collected money for that, too). It suggests that he lied to the Senate under oath. And it suggests that he made a deceptive statement in the register of interests held by members of the British House of Commons.
Cameron's Brain wonders where the Australian version of George Galloway is hidden. Obviously the brain is working too hard. Look no further than Tanya Plibersek: your one stop shop for self-defeating brontosaurial philosophy.

Hitchens on the media's treatment of this insult to our intelligence:
Yet this is the man who received wall-to-wall good press for insulting the Senate subcommittee in May, and who was later the subject of a fawning puff piece in the New York Times, and who was lionized by the anti-war movement when he came on a mendacious and demagogic tour of the country last month. I wonder if any of those who furnished him a platform will now have the grace to admit that they were hosting a man who is not just a pimp for fascism but one of its prostitutes as well.

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Manny Is Here: By George!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

By George!

Uber-dhimmi, Islamified British MP, George Galloway, on Dateline last night (transcript AND video here):

MAN: Welcome to Egypt.

30 years spent working for the Arab cause has made Galloway a well-known and much loved figure here, a modern-day Lawrence of Arabia.

MAN: We consider you that you are Arabic, more than all Not all. the Arabian rulers. All the rulers, yes.

GEORGE GALLOWAY: This is definitely true.

With many here believing that the West is against them, Galloway is seen as an inspiration.

STUDENT: We are students from Al-Azhar and Cairo Universities, what do you say to Muslim Brotherhood students, and other students.

GEORGE GALLOWAY, (Translation): Struggle until victory.

Before a crowd that includes high-profile members of Hamas and other Islamist groups, Galloway delivers a message that would make George Bush and Tony Blair flinch.

GEORGE GALLOWAY: We now know, and the whole world now knows, America is defeated in Iraq - it is defeated in Iraq. The Americans do not control one street in one town or one city in a country they invaded and conquered three years ago. When their soldiers leave their base, they drive as quickly as they can back to the base. They know that this can be their last journey on Earth, and so I say, from the bottom of my heart, we salute the resisting people of Iraq, which has inflicted this defeat upon the superpower, the United States of America, in Fallujah, in Ramadi, in Sumaria, in Najaf, in Kabullah, in Basra. All over Iraq, the Iraqi people have risen and spoken and fought and defeated this superpower which invaded them.

REPORTER: What about an operation, for example, where Iraqi insurgents blow up a US Humvee?

GEORGE GALLOWAY: Well, there's no question that that's an entirely legitimate act of resistance that's enshrined in the Geneva Convention and in international law. The violent occupiers have invaded the country, illegally, on the basis of on a pack of lies and the Iraqi people are resisting them, and the kind of operation you mentioned, whilst a tragedy for the soldiers inside the Humvee, is an entirely legitimate act of resistance.

If Galloway's criminal, subversive and treasonous rhethoric wasn't enough, consider the reporting by SBS of George Galloway: the glorification of the man who was being paid off by Saddam & Sons and continues to lie (see end of post) about it. I had to change channels several times to prevent becoming ill.

The dhimmwhittery of Galloway is so clear in that it is now no longer the "powerful neo-cons" in the White House that want Galloway's head on a stick and set alight, it is also his left wing compatriate Christopher Hitchens:
For George Galloway, however, the war would seem to be over. The evidence presented suggests that he lied in court when he sued the Daily Telegraph in London over similar allegations (and collected money for that, too). It suggests that he lied to the Senate under oath. And it suggests that he made a deceptive statement in the register of interests held by members of the British House of Commons.
Cameron's Brain wonders where the Australian version of George Galloway is hidden. Obviously the brain is working too hard. Look no further than Tanya Plibersek: your one stop shop for self-defeating brontosaurial philosophy.

Hitchens on the media's treatment of this insult to our intelligence:
Yet this is the man who received wall-to-wall good press for insulting the Senate subcommittee in May, and who was later the subject of a fawning puff piece in the New York Times, and who was lionized by the anti-war movement when he came on a mendacious and demagogic tour of the country last month. I wonder if any of those who furnished him a platform will now have the grace to admit that they were hosting a man who is not just a pimp for fascism but one of its prostitutes as well.

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