The World Holds Its Breath
Terrorists are commonly described as thugs, assassins, lunatics and extremists. Unfortunately the West’s nomenclature fails to capture and describe the cruel, calculated and methodical methods that these thugs employ. Moreover, the West’s quell of information, the Mainstream Media, is reporting on the “War on Terror” (another example of lack of vocabulary) in a manner that would put the Pravda
to shame.
I’ll cut to the chase. Soldiers of Islam are on a war of attrition with the West. They know no appeasement, know no restraint and know no morality. Their barbarity is without question and their methods are calculated. Appeasement is used only as period in which they rearm and regroup, restraint is a word they bandy around in front of the huffing glares of NBC’s cameras in order to get sympathy from a dumb down Western populace and morality is defined by how slowly they can slice through the neck of an infidel. The word “thugs” is entirely inappropriate.
Assassins is also an entirely inappropriate adjective for these Soldiers of Mohammed. Assassins imply the attack is targeted. In most cases their killing is indiscriminate, arbitrary and unjust, just like their Allah. And don’t think that this indiscriminate killing is a mark of their stupidity: it supports the view that these Soldiers understand the impact large indiscriminate attacks have on their targets...chaos, hopelessness and fear.
Lunatics implies some sort of stupidity or mental derangement. These people are not stupid and definitely not mentally deranged. The terrorists responsible for the largest attacks in the West were mostly university educated,
...more than half of the group we assessed attended a university, making them as well educated as the average American: whereas 54 percent of the terrorists were found to have had some college education or to have graduated from university, only 52 percent of Americans can claim similar academic credentials.
Furthermore, most of those educated at universities had technical or science degrees:
Two of our sample had doctoral degrees, and two others had begun working toward their doctorates. Significantly, we found that, of those who did attend college and/or graduate school, 48 percent attended schools in the West, and 58 percent attained scientific or technical degrees. Engineering was the most popular subject studied by the terrorists in our sample, followed by medicine.
Then consider the planning and coordination that we don’t often hear about. The current strife on the Lebanese-Israeli border was predicted almost two months prior to the kidnapping of the two Israeli soldiers by a freelance journalist:
“Any minute now something huge could break out," he said. "I am afraid to go home and leave my soldiers. When Hezbollah decides to do something, they do it. And they’re pretty good at it.”
"What do you think they'll do next?" I said.
“I have no idea," he said. "They could do anything. Kidnapping. Sniper.”
Lunacy can only be ascribed to these Soldiers of the Prophet in their idiotic belief that Allah will provide them with 72 virgins upon entering the gates of heaven for their “sustenance”.
Extremists is also a misnomer. Those who are willing to deliver their bodies to hell in order to blow off the limbs of a young Australian lady working in London (a kaffir), or dismember the body of an American Jew wanting to help Iraqis rebuild their country, or threaten the dismemberment of those who mock their paedophile Prophet Mohammed are simply following the text of their Holy Book, the Qur’an. Then there is the small matter of the thousands who turn out on the streets of the countries fighting the Soldiers of Mohammed who support the atrocities perpetrated by them. Are they extremists also? Where are the counter protests by the so-called peaceful Muslims who support their countries of residence, who support justice and freedom for all?
The world should hold its breath. What we are seeing now are the initial skirmishes before the outbreak of war. When this happens we will then be able to see if our civilisation lasts.
Update: Consider this article which demonstrates that despite their barbarity, Soldier's of Islam are well armed and ready to fight the Infidel forces. Next question: how did they get these weapons?
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