Saturday, July 09, 2005

Where is real conservatism?

Over the last couple of months, I have observed, perhaps for the first time, that real conservative ideology has disappeared.

What do I mean by real conservative ideology? What not real conservative ideology are the following:

  • allowing the concentration of industry to grow, thereby reducing the natural regulator of the free market, competition

  • the gentleman's agreements being reached between regulators and corporate crooks

  • allowing powerful lobby groups more voice and say than they are entitled to having

  • make elections into a soap opera through the splashing around of large sums of money

  • the, at times, stupid (and dangerous) anti-terrorism politics and policies being adopted by the Bush Administration and Blair Government

  • the suppression of intelligent but vigorous debate about Islam by various leaders

  • the ignorance of current conservative politics on social justics (whoops! Did I say that?)

What I think real conservative ideology should be:

  • giving the competition regulator more teeth to attack and disrupt the growing concentration of industry

  • giving company directors who have defrauded business owners of billions of dollars, life in prison

  • encouraging the formation of grassroots organisations, by actually listening to their suggestions

  • limiting, or eliminating, all private donations to political parties, and allowing the Electoral Commission to distribute funds to political parties on a fair basis

  • tackling the root causes of the violent face of Islam, by removing their oxygen - giving the Palestinians the land they were promised under the Balfur Declaration. Once this is done, the likes of Bin Laden will be not be automatically granted an "Allah Ahkbar" by Muslims around the world when terror strikes. They will lose the (currently real, but hidden) support of most Muslims.

  • How are we going to best feed the hungry and care for the lonely? We need a comprehensive social justice platform.

In short, real conservatives should cry out when individual liberties are taken away, economic injustice is perpetrated and economic perversion occur.

On the social justice front, I am pretty keen to develop some ideas. However, being a Maths student, automatically limits this ability. Time to dive into some philosophical books. Any suggestions?

Manny Is Here: Where is real conservatism?

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Where is real conservatism?

Over the last couple of months, I have observed, perhaps for the first time, that real conservative ideology has disappeared.

What do I mean by real conservative ideology? What not real conservative ideology are the following:

  • allowing the concentration of industry to grow, thereby reducing the natural regulator of the free market, competition

  • the gentleman's agreements being reached between regulators and corporate crooks

  • allowing powerful lobby groups more voice and say than they are entitled to having

  • make elections into a soap opera through the splashing around of large sums of money

  • the, at times, stupid (and dangerous) anti-terrorism politics and policies being adopted by the Bush Administration and Blair Government

  • the suppression of intelligent but vigorous debate about Islam by various leaders

  • the ignorance of current conservative politics on social justics (whoops! Did I say that?)

What I think real conservative ideology should be:

  • giving the competition regulator more teeth to attack and disrupt the growing concentration of industry

  • giving company directors who have defrauded business owners of billions of dollars, life in prison

  • encouraging the formation of grassroots organisations, by actually listening to their suggestions

  • limiting, or eliminating, all private donations to political parties, and allowing the Electoral Commission to distribute funds to political parties on a fair basis

  • tackling the root causes of the violent face of Islam, by removing their oxygen - giving the Palestinians the land they were promised under the Balfur Declaration. Once this is done, the likes of Bin Laden will be not be automatically granted an "Allah Ahkbar" by Muslims around the world when terror strikes. They will lose the (currently real, but hidden) support of most Muslims.

  • How are we going to best feed the hungry and care for the lonely? We need a comprehensive social justice platform.

In short, real conservatives should cry out when individual liberties are taken away, economic injustice is perpetrated and economic perversion occur.

On the social justice front, I am pretty keen to develop some ideas. However, being a Maths student, automatically limits this ability. Time to dive into some philosophical books. Any suggestions?


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