Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas

From Gary Varvel:

Merry Christmas people. Some Christmasy links for your edification:
  1. Walt Harrah on Christmas Carols on Hugh Hewitt
  2. David Allen White on Handel's Messiah again on Hugh Hewitt (Three parts)
  3. Mark D. Roberts on Dicken's 'A Christmas Carol' again on Hugh Hewitt
  4. Christ the Contrarian: Who was Christ really? Cuddly babe? Postmodern, touchy feely bloke? Or the most unabashed Contrarian of his time? (A trilemma of sorts)
  5. Give with a cheerful heart to those being oppressed this Christmas.

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Manny Is Here: Merry Christmas

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas

From Gary Varvel:

Merry Christmas people. Some Christmasy links for your edification:
  1. Walt Harrah on Christmas Carols on Hugh Hewitt
  2. David Allen White on Handel's Messiah again on Hugh Hewitt (Three parts)
  3. Mark D. Roberts on Dicken's 'A Christmas Carol' again on Hugh Hewitt
  4. Christ the Contrarian: Who was Christ really? Cuddly babe? Postmodern, touchy feely bloke? Or the most unabashed Contrarian of his time? (A trilemma of sorts)
  5. Give with a cheerful heart to those being oppressed this Christmas.

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