Thursday, January 12, 2006

Barking mad Democrats

The Democrats are a party of life, of love, of justice, of peace, of reconciliation, of equality, of affirmative action, of women's suffrage, of not being mean to a fellow human being.

Except when it comes to relating to conservatives.

In case you missed it, Alito was being grilled relentlessly in his confirmation hearing. Senator "I-am-too-drunk-to-speak" Kennedy was literally babbling away today. He had a go at Alito of course, as did his other Democrat acolytes. But what surprised me, was that he had a go at his Republican counterpart, Senator Specter.

But what really got my goat is that these worthless pieces of puppetry sent Alito's wife leaving her husband's confirmation hearings in tears. After being relentlessly attacked by Democrats for being a bigot, a racist (isn't that an irony) and trying to infer that he hates women, Senator Graham, one of the Republicans in the committee, gave a rousing defence of Alito. As he started, Alito's wife started sobbing, so quietly that only the video captured it. The lady sitting next to her seemed not to have noticed. Toward the end of his defence, Graham's voice seemed to be given way.

My friends, what brought this spectacle into a confirmation hearing for a Supreme Court judge? The equality-loving, anti-discriminatory, anti-women hating party's uncompromising assault on Judge Alito's impecable credentials.

Let there be no mistake about it: Alito's character is above criticism. Even his philosophical detractors think that he is an impeccable man. The US legal profession gave him the highest rating. There has never been a wiff of well founded controversy over the guy.

Compare this with the debauchery of Sen. Kennedy's life: his unceasing drunkedness, how he was more interested in covering his own arse than saving the life of a women he had run over thanks to his drink driving, his continual traffic offences, his adultery, his treachery.

The Democrat's performance can only be put down to politics. Their criticism has no substance, no basis and should be given no air. I hope they suffocate (figuratively of course).

Two things to note from all this:
  1. I hope that Alito IS the nasty conservative that Kennedy and his ACLU backer's think he is. I hope he is crucial in overturning Roe v. Wade and that he support the POTUS's executive power in time of war. I hope that Alito gives them their dues.
  2. Kennedy has a habit of drowning women: he drowned a woman who worked on Bobby Kennedy's campaign and he drowned Alito's wife in tears at a point in time where she should be jubilant for her husband's success.
UPDATE: RightWingNews has some Kos Action on the farce of a reception that Alito got from Democrats Kennedy, Schumer et al.

Manny Is Here: Barking mad Democrats

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Barking mad Democrats

The Democrats are a party of life, of love, of justice, of peace, of reconciliation, of equality, of affirmative action, of women's suffrage, of not being mean to a fellow human being.

Except when it comes to relating to conservatives.

In case you missed it, Alito was being grilled relentlessly in his confirmation hearing. Senator "I-am-too-drunk-to-speak" Kennedy was literally babbling away today. He had a go at Alito of course, as did his other Democrat acolytes. But what surprised me, was that he had a go at his Republican counterpart, Senator Specter.

But what really got my goat is that these worthless pieces of puppetry sent Alito's wife leaving her husband's confirmation hearings in tears. After being relentlessly attacked by Democrats for being a bigot, a racist (isn't that an irony) and trying to infer that he hates women, Senator Graham, one of the Republicans in the committee, gave a rousing defence of Alito. As he started, Alito's wife started sobbing, so quietly that only the video captured it. The lady sitting next to her seemed not to have noticed. Toward the end of his defence, Graham's voice seemed to be given way.

My friends, what brought this spectacle into a confirmation hearing for a Supreme Court judge? The equality-loving, anti-discriminatory, anti-women hating party's uncompromising assault on Judge Alito's impecable credentials.

Let there be no mistake about it: Alito's character is above criticism. Even his philosophical detractors think that he is an impeccable man. The US legal profession gave him the highest rating. There has never been a wiff of well founded controversy over the guy.

Compare this with the debauchery of Sen. Kennedy's life: his unceasing drunkedness, how he was more interested in covering his own arse than saving the life of a women he had run over thanks to his drink driving, his continual traffic offences, his adultery, his treachery.

The Democrat's performance can only be put down to politics. Their criticism has no substance, no basis and should be given no air. I hope they suffocate (figuratively of course).

Two things to note from all this:
  1. I hope that Alito IS the nasty conservative that Kennedy and his ACLU backer's think he is. I hope he is crucial in overturning Roe v. Wade and that he support the POTUS's executive power in time of war. I hope that Alito gives them their dues.
  2. Kennedy has a habit of drowning women: he drowned a woman who worked on Bobby Kennedy's campaign and he drowned Alito's wife in tears at a point in time where she should be jubilant for her husband's success.
UPDATE: RightWingNews has some Kos Action on the farce of a reception that Alito got from Democrats Kennedy, Schumer et al.


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